
39 Elm St, Brattleboro, VT 05301

Mon-Fri: 9AM – 5PM | Sat & Sun: 2PM – 3PM

Turning Point of Windham County is Here for Your Recovery

Turning Point of Windham County’s core mission is to support and improve the health and wellbeing of individuals in our community who are experiencing any stage of their recovery from harmful substance use and addiction. We do this through compassionate peer-led social connection, community, education, groups, coaching, outreach, and advocacy.

Empowering Recovery Journeys with Compassion and Dignity at the Turning Point Center in Windham County, Vermont.

Discover a peer-run haven, where support and safety foster lasting recovery.

Turning Point Saved My Life.

“The moment I walked in I felt like I belonged, I was with my people, I did not feel judged and I could just be. I immediately was greeted with a warm welcome and a hug! I can’t remember the last time someone wanted to hug me. I was offered food and conversation. After leaving on my first day I decided I wanted to go back, thinking this is a joke, no agency is this welcoming for people like me. So, I went back, only this time was different. They remembered my name, they remembered my story and they remembered I drank a lot of coffee. “Hey Brian, we got a fresh pot brewing come grab a mug” they said. And so I did. I sat down and started drinking my coffee and I met this guy named Steve. Turns out Steve is a Recovery Coach and we get along. He offered to support me. It's been a little over a month. Today, everyone knows me. I'm starting to know myself more and I'm grateful for Turning Point. These are my people, this is my place and I call it home now.”

— Brian

Meetings & Events

We can help you find a meeting, a coach, or a sponsor. Meetings are in person and most meetings can be joined remotely.


Are you ready for help? Recovery coaches are ready to help you! Together, we can accomplish great things. Stop by the center or give us a call.

(802) 257-5600

Having Coaches Come to the Hospital is the Single Biggest Reason We have People Engage in Treatment.

“Before Recovery Coaches, people were reluctant to engage with treatment, maybe scared or didn't believe treatment would work. After coaches became an expected, opt-out service we provide, we see more people believe in themselves and accept the help for phone calls and next steps.”

— Community Partner

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