
39 Elm St, Brattleboro, VT 05301

Walk-in Hours: Tues - Fri: 9AM – 3PM

Meetings and appointments: Mon - Fri: 9AM – 5PM / Sat & Sun: 2PM – 3PM

Our Board Members

Meet Our Board Members

Meet Turning Point Center of Windham County dedicated board members committed to guiding our recovery center’s mission.

Jon Keane

Jon Keane

Board President

Town of Residence: Brattleboro, VT

Jon first came to Turning Point in the spring of 2023, about half a year into recovery following the completion of a series of meetings with Brattleboro’s restorative justice group as part of his restitution for an OUI. There he found a wonderful community and supportive, nonjudgmental, and open-hearted space in which people explore how to live skillfully, and Jon has since regularly attended its Saturday afternoon All-Recovery meetings as a participant and co-facilitator. Professionally, he has worked for nearly a decade as a fundraising researcher, first in a university setting for four years, and currently for over five years in a major academic medical center and general hospital, where he also manages prospect portfolios. Jon has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and English from the Commonwealth College at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 

Geoffrey Kane, MD, MPH he/him

Geoffrey Kane, MD, MPH he/him

Vice President

Town of Residence: Brattleboro, VT

Geoff is Emeritus Chief of Addiction Services at the Brattleboro Retreat; Founder of Meetinghouse Solutions, LLC; and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine.  Since the 1970s, his career has centered on the treatment and prevention of harmful substance use and addiction.  As speaker and writer, Dr. Kane helps professionals and the public better understand scientific and human aspects of substance use disorders, resilience, and recovery.  Geoff joined the board in 2018.

Quentin Reynolds, MPH, he/him

Quentin Reynolds, MPH, he/him


Town of Residence: Turners Falls, MA

Quentin works for the State of Vermont as a prevention consultant for Windham County. Before this he worked for a number of years as a recovery coach and counselor for an inpatient detox and residential program. There, he primarily worked with veterans. Being on the board of Turning Point is important to him because recovery is not possible without community and Turning Point offers that supportive space. 

Holly Galbraith, she/her/hers

Holly Galbraith, she/her/hers

Town of Residence: Brattleboro, VT

Holly is the Director of Nursing Operations at the Brattleboro Retreat.

She has been a board member since May 2023. She has lived experience of opioid, benzo, and ETOH addiction.  She also has a family history of addiction with her father passing at age 57 from complications of alcoholism. Holly has now been in recovery since January 2013.  Professionally, she has been a psychiatric/substance misuse RN since 2009.

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